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Synchronsprecher von Olivia Newton-John ist Christina Hoeltel

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A Few Best Men Red Carpet Movie Premiere In Sydney, Australia A Few Best Men enjoyed its Sydney red carpet premiere earlier this evening at Bondi Junction's Event Cinema. In essence, it's a a comedy about a groom and his three best men who travel to the Australian outback for a wedding. The flick has numerous Sydney based media men and women tipping that this may be just the start of a reinvigoration of Olivia Newton-John's acting career, but its really too early to know for sure. Maybe O-N-J and her agent know something we don't. Twilight Eclipse hunk Xavier Samuel stars as the film's hapless bridegroom. British thespians Kris Marshall (Death At A Funeral) Kevin Bishop (Spanish Apartment), and Australian comedy star Rebel Wilson was there, as was Laura Brent (Chronicles of Narnia), Steve Le Marquand (Beneath Hill 60) and Tangle actor Tim Draxl. Even local MP Malcolm Turnbull and wife Lucy showed up in support. The flick, which was filmed in Sydney and the Blue Mountains, is hoped to be a return to form for Elliott, who has had mixed success since his 1994 smash hit The Adventures of Priscilla: Queen of the Desert. It's quite an unlikely acting platform for Newton-John, who many film industry commentators say her last decent film role was alongside John Travolta in Two of a Kind back in 1983. Elliott told the media that the Aussie singer/actress has fitted in well with the rest of the cast. "She's great. Everyone's coming together really well and she's really getting into it," he said. A Few Best Men opens in cinemas nationally on January 26, 2012. Director: Stephan Elliott Writers: Dean Craig Stars: Rebel Wilson, Olivia Newton-John and Xavier Samuel Websites A Few Best Men official website www.afewbestmenthemovie.com Icon Film Distribution www.iconmovies.com.au Event Cinemas www.eventcinemas.com.au Nix Co www.nixco.com.au Eva Rinaldi Photography Flickr www.flickr.com/evarinaldiphotography Eva Rinaldi Photography www.evarinaldi.com Splash News www.splashnews.com Music News Australia www.musicnewsaustralia.com by Eva Rinaldi, used under CC BY-SA 2.0 / Photo: https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Olivia_Newton-John#/media/File:Olivia_Newton-John_2.jpg / License: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0/
Über Olivia Newton-John
Olivia Newton-John ist eine erfolgreiche Sängerin, welche ebenfalls die Hauptrolle Sandy Olsson im Kultfilm "Grease" verkörpert.
Die deutsche Synchronstimme von Olivia Newton-John in der ersten Synchronisation von Grease ist Claudia Marnitz.
Filme von Olivia Newton-John
- 2017: Sharknado 5: Global Swarming – Synchronstimme von Olivia Newton-John ist Heike Schroetter
- 2011: Die Trauzeugen – Synchronstimme von Olivia Newton-John ist Christina Hoeltel
- 1996: It's My Party – Synchronstimme von Olivia Newton-John ist Sabine Jaeger
- 1994: Eingeschneit - Weihnachten im Schneesturm – Synchronstimme von Olivia Newton-John ist Rita Engelmann
- 1990: Ein Wunsch geht in Erfüllung – Synchronstimme von Olivia Newton-John ist Uschi Wolff
- 1983: Zwei vom gleichen Schlag – Synchronstimme von Olivia Newton-John ist Susanna Bonaséwicz
- 1980: Xanadu – Synchronstimme von Olivia Newton-John ist Susanna Bonaséwicz
- 1978: Grease – Synchronstimme von Olivia Newton-John ist Maud Ackermann
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